OUR VALUES: Liberation, Access, Intergenerational, Culture, Creativity, & Regeneration, are reflected back towards our larger community in our program offerings:
Restoring Health and Vitality to People, Animals, Plants & the Earth since 1989.
Philadelphia Community Farm Inc., is a rural based intentional community farm located on occupied land of Anishinaabe, Dakota, and Ho-chunk Nations, along the St. Croix River Valley.
We are an Intergenerational, Multi-Abled, BIPOC & LGBTQ led and centered farm community and nonprofit 501(c)(3); committed to creating access for historically oppressed people to connect to their history through land, food systems & cultural practices.
Through our Agricultural Programming we offer seasonal varieties of Ayurvedic Inspired farm made soap, fresh berries, cut flower bouquets and arrangements, and culinary & medicinal herbs to rural and urban households, restaurants, and grocers. Wholesale heirloom vegetables & meat can be purchased direct through a farm lead.
Because of our Educational Programming* more than 1,000 children, adults and students visit the farm annually, to immerse themselves in the practical work of growing food and caring for animals.
By being in relationship with Standing Cedars Community Land Conservancy, in all, PCF has helped protect 1,550 acres of farmland and re-establish the Oak Savanna Buffer and wild prairie along the federally protected St. Croix River.
As a licensed Adult Family Home Care Provider, we offer a holistic, therapeutic environment for our disabled community member(s), and for all in residence at the farm.
Those that identify as Artists and Culture-Bearers in our communities hold a crucial part in the (r)evolution and redefining of how Art shapes our lives.