OUR VALUES: Liberation, Access, Intergenerational, Culture, Creativity, & Regeneration, are reflected back towards our larger community in our program offerings:
Restoring Health and Vitality to People, Animals, Plants & the Earth since 1989.
Philadelphia Community Farm Inc., is a rural based intentional community farm located on occupied land of Anishinaabe, Dakota, and Ho-chunk Nations, along the St. Croix River Valley.
We are a volunteer run Intergenerational, Multi-Abled, BIPOC & LGBTQ led and centered farm community and nonprofit 501(c)(3); committed to creating access for historically oppressed people to connect to their history through land, food systems & cultural practices.
We offer seasonal Flowers, Meat & Produce to rural and urban households, restaurants, and grocers.
Because of our Educational Programming* more than 1,000 children, adults and students visit the farm annually.
Through partnership with Standing Cedars Community Land Conservancy, we help protect nature spaces.
As a licensed Adult Family Home Care Provider, we offer a holistic, therapeutic environment for our all community members.
We believe that Artists and Culture-Bearers in our communities hold a crucial part in redefining of how Art shapes our lives.